Victorian curriculum resources
We have a range of curriculum resources to help teachers bring skin cancer and sun protection education into their classrooms. Where possible, these have been linked to the curriculum.
Throughout the lessons, references are made to skin cancer. Given Australia's high rate of skin cancer, it is likely that one or more students will have experienced skin cancer directly or indirectly. Please review the material beforehand to ensure it is suitable.
VCE curriculum
This set of lesson plans address the VCE Health and Human Development (2018–2022) Unit 3, Area of Study 2 topic of health promotion and the Ottawa Charter. The lessons focus on the impact of the SunSmart program in reducing skin cancer rates in Australia, by educating the public about sun protection and early detection.
The accompanying poster provides examples of how our work reflects the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion's action areas, to assist with SAC and examination preparation.
Download individual sections:
Victorian Year 7–8 resources
Victorian Year 9–10 resources
Visit Cancer Council Australia’s website for more secondary school curriculum resources.
Generation SunSmart
Generation SunSmart is an online learning platform designed to help improve the UV and sun protection knowledge of educators and students. Users can learn about skin cancer, UV and how to incorporate sun protection strategies into their everyday activities.
Sun and UV at school
Developed in consultation with SunSmart, Cancer Institute NSW has released a suite of interactive skin cancer prevention resources which support secondary students to make healthy, safe and proactive choices about sun protection to reduce their risk of skin cancer.
The resources were designed to align with the NSW syllabus, but are also linked to the Australian curriculum where relevant, and are suitable for all teachers to use.