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UV widget

What is a widget?

A widget added to your website enables you to access information without having to open a specific application. In this case, the free SunSmart widget provides you with the UV levels and sun protection times for your location without having to open the SunSmart app.

Why use the SunSmart widget?

UV radiation cannot be seen or felt. It is not like the sun’s light which we see, or the sun’s warmth (infrared radiation) which we feel. This means it can be damaging to our skin without us knowing.

The free SunSmart widget takes away the guesswork when it comes to knowing UV levels. It uses forecast information from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) and live UV data from the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) to provide sun protection times for more than 600 locations across Australia.


  • Forecast maximum UV and sun protection times for your chosen location (more than 600 locations in Australia).
  • Live UV levels for major cities, enabling you to have up to date sun protection information.
  • Daily weather forecasts for your location.
  • Flexible sizing so you can adjust to suit your website.

How do I add the SunSmart widget to my website?

Please complete the below form to view the instructions on how to add the widget to your site.

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Terms and conditions

By using the SunSmart widget (‘Widget’) you agree to the following terms and conditions: Cancer Council Victoria (‘CCV’) owns the intellectual property in the Widget and the Widget must not be modified without CCV’s prior written consent. You may reproduce the Widget on other websites and intranets provided it is not for commercial purposes or reward. You acknowledge that using sun protection during the times stated on the widget does not guarantee that you will not get skin cancer, and that you may also need to use sun protection outside of the sun protection times stated on the Widget. CCV accepts no liability of any kind arising out of the use of, or otherwise associated with, the Widget.