Top SunSmart tips for your sport

1. Know when to use sun protection

Sun protection is recommended whenever UV levels reach 3 or higher so your skin is protected from damage that can lead to cancer. However, sun protection is recommended all year if you are spending long hours participating in activities, training events and competitions outdoors.

Download the free SunSmart Global UV app or add the SunSmart widget to your club website to monitor the sun protection times each day.

Because you cannot see or feel UV, you can’t rely on your senses to let you know when you’re in danger. Don’t just wait for hot or sunny days – UV can reach you on cool and cloudy days too.

Find out more about UV levels and sun protection times.

2. Implement a sun protection policy

Organisations have a duty of care and legal responsibility to ensure a safe environment for all involved. This includes providing adequate protection from the sun’s UV radiation – the biggest cause of skin cancer.

Find out more about sun protection policies.

3. Provide adequate shade

Our research shows that if shade is provided people will use it. Providing shade also includes reviewing schedules and fixtures to avoid the times of day when the UV is most intense. Find out more about shade.

4. Provide sunscreen

Consider having sunscreen available at the club or venue for training and competition. In general, if sunscreen is available people will apply it. Find out more about sunscreen.

5. Share the SunSmart message

Include SunSmart reminders in your communication to participants and their families. This might include tips on how to apply sunscreen and the types of hats and clothing to look for. Encourage spectators to be SunSmart while attending events.

6. Role model

Encourage senior players and participants, coaches and officials to set the tone for SunSmart behaviours. Role modelling is one of the most effective ways of showing more junior participants the right way to protect themselves from the sun’s UV radiation.

Looking to adapt the SunSmart message for your club? Use the tips below to help you.