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Workplace newsletter
Sign up for the SunSmart workplace newsletter.
Skin cancer and outdoor work booklet
Download a guide for workplaces (PDF) about UV, UV hazard controls, protecting workers, skin cancer prevention and early detection.
Workplace publications and posters
Visit Publications & Posters for various posters highlighting UV protection measures and prompting early detection.
Workplace sample sun protection policy
Download this sample UV policy (Word) which outlines appropriate UV hazard controls and why these are required.
Interactive tools
SunSmart videos
Tax deductions
The Australian Taxation Office allows the cost of work-related sun protective clothing to be claimed as an expense for many outdoor workers.
Talk to your advisor or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 28 61 or visit the Australian Taxation Office website.
OH&S business case support
Cancer Council's Skin Cancer Statistics & Issues website is a comprehensive review of research about skin cancer prevention, including studies about the workplace.
Skin cancer stats & issues