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New data showing a significant increase in melanoma rates in men living in regional Victoria over the last decade has prompted the launch of a new SunSmart public awareness campaign – Don’t delay. Save your skin.
Data from the Victorian Cancer Registry shows a significant increase in melanoma rates among men living in regional Victoria, with an average of a 34% increase in diagnoses during the last 10 years.
Funded by the Victorian Government, the campaign is running from August 22 until early October across regional TV networks to provide an important reminder for men living in regional Victoria to get to know their skin and be vigilant about seeing a GP should they notice anything new or changing.
The campaign is targeted towards men aged 40 to 59 living in regional Victoria.
What is the aim of the campaign?
- To increase the number of men aged 40 to 59 across regional Victoria who check their own skin.
- To increase the number of men aged 40 to 59 across regional Victoria who promptly seek advice from a GP if they notice changes to their skin.
Who is the campaign targeting?
Men aged 40 to 59 living in regional Victoria.
What are the key messages?
- The sooner skin cancer is found, the easier it is to treat. Don’t delay. Save your skin.
- Get to know your skin. If you find anything new or changing, see your GP immediately. Don’t Delay
- At its most aggressive, skin cancer can spread to vital organs like your lungs, liver and brain and become deadly sooner than you think.
- Twice as many men as women die from melanoma each year in Australia.
- Men are less likely than women to get their skin checked by a doctor for suspicious spots.
How can my organisation help?
By sharing our campaign messages with your networks, through newsletters, social media and on your website, you can help us to save lives from skin cancer. We really appreciate your support.
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Use these sample posts on your social channels.
Sample 1
There has been a 34% increase in melanoma cases among men living in regional Victoria over the last 10 years.
If you notice anything new or changing on your skin, see your GP immediately. Don’t delay. Save your skin.
Learn more here:
Sample 2
At just 37, Matt Vaughan was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. As a single parent to 7-year-old Nixon, Matt’s greatest fears are suddenly very real.
“You hear the statistics of recovery and reoccurrence at each stage of treatment and all you can do is hope that you’re on the right side of the numbers.”
Read Matt’s story here
Sample 3
The most aggressive forms of melanoma can spread to vital organs like the brain and lungs quickly. Once it’s spread, the prognosis and treatment required can be devastating.
Don’t delay. Save your skin.
Learn more here:
Sample 4
Men living in regional Victoria are diagnosed with melanoma at a much higher rate than their city counterparts.
If you notice anything unusual about your skin, see you GP as soon as possible.
Don’t delay. Save your skin.
Learn more here:
Newsletter copy
The new SunSmart campaign, Don’t delay. Save your skin, is encouraging men living in regional Victoria to get to know their skin and see their GP if they notice any changes.
The campaign has been prompted by new Victorian Cancer Registry data showing a 34% increase of melanoma diagnoses among men living in regional Victoria during the last decade.
When compared to men living in metropolitan Melbourne and women living in regional Victoria, men in regional Victoria are diagnosed with melanoma at a much higher rate (41.34 per 100,000 versus 28.41 and 32.68 respectively).
With such high rates of melanoma skin cancer in regional Victoria, it’s critical that men are reminded of the seriousness of skin cancer and the importance of finding it early.
Learn more about the Don’t delay. Save your skin campaign.
The new SunSmart public awareness campaign, Don’t delay. Save your skin, is encouraging men living in regional Victoria to get to know their skin and see their GP if they notice any changes.
The campaign has been prompted by new Victorian Cancer Registry data showing a 34% increase of melanoma diagnoses among men living in regional Victoria during the last decade.
When compared to men living in metropolitan Melbourne and women living in regional Victoria, men in regional Victoria are diagnosed with melanoma at a much higher rate (41.34 per 100,000 versus 28.41 and 32.68 respectively).
With such high rates of melanoma skin cancer in regional Victoria, it’s critical that men are reminded of the seriousness of skin cancer and the importance of finding it early.
In 2019 we saw nearly 300 deaths from melanoma in Victoria and alarmingly, twice as many men as women died from the disease.
The reality is that skin cancer can-and-does kill people. The most aggressive forms of melanoma can spread to vital organs like the brain and lungs quickly. Once it’s spread, the prognosis and treatment required can be devastating.
Learn more about the Don’t delay. Save your skin campaign.