2021 media releases

SunSmart reminds Victorians to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, and Slide into new-found freedoms

Tuesday 9 November 2021
As Victoria enters the summer months and COVID restrictions ease, SunSmart is reminding Victorians to use sun protection as they enjoy their new-found freedoms.

Bronzed Aussies don’t link tanning with skin cancer

Wednesday 27 October 2021
A national Cancer Council study assessing sun protection attitudes and behaviours of Australian adults showed an alarming number of adults still prefer a bronzed body.

Melanoma rates among men in regional Victoria high and on the rise

Monday 6 September 2021
New data shows a significant increase in melanoma rates in men living in regional Victoria over the last decade, prompting the launch of a new SunSmart public awareness campaign, Don’t delay. Save your skin. 

SunSmart calls for urgent action as teens present with sunburn to hospitals in alarming numbers

Tuesday 2 March 2021
With the UV at damaging levels until April, SunSmart is calling for Victorian families and secondary schools to step up their sun protection efforts as new data shows presentations to Victorian hospital emergency departments for sunburn last summer were highest amongst teenagers (32% of all presentations).

New SunSmart campaign urges men to give complacency the Slip, Slop, Slap

Thursday 21 January 2021
A new SunSmart campaign targeting men was unveiled today off the back of a study showing men are complacent about sun protection – despite knowing the dangers of sun exposure and the higher death rate from skin cancer compared to women.

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