SunSmart's shade comparison check allows you to assess the quality and need for shade at various sites within your location. The shade check results will help you determine where shade improvements need to be made, after which you can start to explore solutions for reducing UV exposure such as changing the way the site is used, making existing shaded areas more appealing or embarking on new shade development.
Please note: It is important that the shade comparison check is conducted during peak UV periods, ideally in summer.
Step 1: Select the site/s at your location that you want to check.
Step 2: Photograph the site/s as you go through the shade check to highlight available shade and areas for improvement.
Step 3: If your shade check location has multiple defined activity sites (for example, a school may have different play zones such as the quadrangle, sports fields, adventure playground, etc.) record information about each site separately. On completion of each site check, you will be given the option to check a new site.
At the end of the shade check you will receive a score out of 27 – the higher the score, the higher the need for shade in that area.
Important: Older devices might not allow the upload of photos (this shade check tool requires devices to use iOS 6.0 or later). If using an older device, it’s a good idea to take separate photos during the audit, and then update your report with these photos at a later time from your desktop. You can save the audit without the images and add the photos later from a desktop.
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