Workplace resources

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Skin cancer and outdoor work booklet 

Download a guide for workplaces (PDF) about UV, UV hazard controls, protecting workers, skin cancer prevention and early detection.

Workplace posters

Visit Publications & Posters for various posters highlighting UV protection measures and prompting early detection.

Sun protection for outdoor workers

Download the information sheet (PDF) summarising key UV protection and early detection messages.

Toolbox talk

Download this summary (PDF) of key messages and top tips to discuss with workers.

UV protection for construction industry workers

Download this information sheet (PDF) for construction industry workers about UV safety responsibilities and how to stay safe when working outdoors.

Workplace sample sun protection policy

Download this sample UV policy (PDF) which outlines appropriate UV hazard controls and why these are required.

Spot the difference flyer

Download the flyer (PDF) for information on what to look for when checking and monitoring changes to your skin.

10 myths about sun protection

Download the brochure (PDF). Busting 10 common myths about UV and skin cancer.

Free SunSmart Global UV app

Indicates daily, local UV levels, sun protection times and sun protection reminders. Find out more about the SunSmart Global UV app.


Sonny Burns reporting live

Self-appointed UV spokesperson and wannabe weatherman, Sonny Burns reminds workers to cover up when working in the outdoors.

Easy as it sounds

While you’re on the job, look out for your skin like you would a mate. It’s as easy as it sounds.

Cover-up Australia | Ned Kelly exposed

What was the real reason behind Ned Kelly’s armour?

Arnold's story

Arnold shares his story to encourage others, even after years of working in the sun, to be vigilant about sun protection.

Rowan's story

At just 34, Rowan Barrett was diagnosed with advanced and incurable melanoma skin cancer. He shared his story.

Sophie's story

Sophie shares her story about the shock of being diagnosed with melanoma.

A Cunning Plan

A unique (and not recommended) approach to self-treatment.

The Luckiest Bloke

Why seeing a doctor is a good idea.


The Viking Story

The impact of skin cancer on a family.


Watch more real stories from other Australians who have been affected by skin cancer.

Interactive tools

Use these handy tools and resources to know when you need sun protection and how to reduce UV exposure.

Tax deductions

The Australian Taxation Office allows the cost of work-related sun protective clothing to be claimed as an expense for many outdoor workers. Talk to your advisor or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 28 61 or visit the  Australian Taxation Office website .

Looking for statistics to support your OH&S business case?

Cancer Council's Skin Cancer Statistics & Issues website is a comprehensive review of research about skin cancer prevention, including studies about the workplace.

Workplace newsletter

Sign up for the SunSmart workplace newsletter for news, resources and UV safety tips.

Read the latest issue of the newsletter