What is a shade comparison check?

A shade comparison check is the first step in ensuring there is adequate shade to protect as many people as possible using an outdoor space from overexposure to UV.

SunSmart recommends a shade comparison check be conducted for outdoor spaces:

  • that cater primarily for children, such as early childhood services, schools and playgrounds
  • where people could be exposed to high levels of UV, such as sports venues, parks and pools.

A shade comparison check will explore all possible solutions for reducing UV exposure by shade.

Recommendations can be used to:

  • demonstrate the need to improve the level of UV protection
  • seek support and funding to develop new shade
  • plan long-term landscaping and development works to achieve a healthy outdoor space.

Useful tip

People are at risk of sun damage when the UV is 3 and above. You can check UV levels daily in the daily weather section of your local paper, on the SunSmart website or on the free SunSmart app (available from your app store).

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